
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 145: Guess Who's Back....

I had an absolutely FABULOUS weekend....for those who know why.....know why. LOL. I'm sad it had to end but I'll be out in 5 days....let the countdown begin!!

So I'm definitely on the "sick" people side and I'm not really sure why. I"m at the very end of the hall and I'm constantly hearing IV's going off like crazy and people coughing up more than a lung..hmmm...Meanwhile I'm in my room on my laptop drinking an energy drink and eating tater tots listening to lil wayne. hahaha. But it kind of nice to be down here because it's rare for people to walk by my door and stare at me....I'm guilty of doing that too when I walk so I guess I can't really complain.

I have a new nurse I never had tonight. She seems kind of frantic but she's nice. There are only a few nurses that I don't like here. And I've noticed that everytime I come up here everyone already knows me....even the housekeeping ladies know me. It just feels great.

Alright well I just wanted to let everyone know how it's going. Homehealth wasn't too bad....except I had to give myself shots....YUCK. it was terrible b/c who wants to stick themselves with a needle and inject meds through your stomach?? But I sucked it up because I wasn't about to go back to the hospital just yet. I had some antibiotics through IV that went in over an hour at home...and it wasn't bad at all...mainly because the last time I had home health I sat for 4-5 hours so 1 hour was NOTHING.

I got "the call" today at 4:30 to come into the hospital..and the lady was like....make sure you come in before 5 to avoid checking in at ER. WHAT?! of course, i took my sweet time and I definitely paid for it. I spend an hour and a half as a DIRECT ADMIT waiting in the stupid emergency room...and believe me...there was nothing emergency about it. I swear the nurses move slower than molasses and the patient admit lady moves even slower. The whole time I was sitting and waiting, she took care of TWO people...IDK if it's becuase they have all the living wills and what not (i don't) and they have to file it?? but seriously....took FOREVER. But i'm here in my room now so all is good with the world.

Tonight one of my students came to visit me so I could help him make more lanyard signs for his 9th grade presidential campaign and I had a good time. I always have and always will enjoy the company of my students because they just remind me of how simple life really is. That sounds cheesy I know but I love their energy when I'm around them and they just make me laugh. Anyways, we spent a few hours making signs and listening to music for inspiration. Overall....he's gonna win because yesterday we spent SIX....yes SIX hours making signs....but hard work paid off because he had a fabulous day and when he called me to tell me about it he was so excited....and that made it all worth it. I love when my students are happy.

Okay well, I'm FINALLY getting tired and I've already been warned that the doctor rounds start very early in the morning because all my doctors are on call tonight..uggghhhh....but usually they know I sleep a lot so they try to save me for last....muahahahaha....oh the perks of being friendly around here.

Chemo is suppose to start tomorrow (YES!) and It's a 4 day treatment....This is the more harsh one on my body so be thinking good weird skin reactions....and that my poor eyebrows hang on a little longer....they're so thin right now it's kinda scary...and my eyelashes are thin too...uuuggggghhhhhhhhh.

ALright enough of that....I'm ready to get this 5th round over with. wish me luck!


One of our signs we made....most recent picture of me....i look awesome right?! lol.

The most creative poster ever...made by yours truly. :)

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