
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 182: The Good Life....sorta.

WELL.....6 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY.......make sure to visit me friends!! I'll be in the dang hospital but I'll be sure to make the best out of it.....maybe wear a birthday hat all day?? or at least a ribbon or SOMETHING. Definitely a sign for my door though. it'll give me something to do Monday as I lay in my bed and be poisoned (chemo).....I never thought of it that way but I've been on a cancer "support" "networking" site for young cancer survivors and OMG are they all so negative. I mean, yeah I get that no one WANTS or DESERVES cancer....and that people can be angry or sad or upset or depressed.....but it's kind of sad to think people really are like that on a day to day basis. I would hate walking around feeling depressed all day and thinking "I have cancer, my life sucks. WHY ME??!".........yeah, I have my moments (never full days) that i get a little sad but then I snap out of it and go do something.....maybe....well I know that's why I'm doing fantastic and it really hasn't been that hard for me.....hmmm.

ANYWAYS, enough about that.....I've been having a great week! I have so much energy from the THREE blood transfusions and my mouth sores are FINALLY GONE and my swollen cheeks/jaw/right side of my face have went back to normal size. My skin is still suffering from the last round of chemo but that'll go away by next week so I'm not too worried about that. I have plenty of white blood cells....i forgot the number when the nurse told me but I remember, that's high. so YAY. My taste buds are good and my bruises on my legs are sort of going away.

Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment with my NEW doctor....hopefully I will like him....i think it's a him. I will get to the bottom of a few "issues" I was having and also WHY I got passed on to a new doc....hmmm... I'm a little anxious...and a little nervous.

So I started teaching my ONE class that I am allowed to teach and today was my first day back in my classroom for an entire 45 minutes and it was GREAT. I miss teaching soooooo much and being around the kids. They just have a fun energy that I have really missed. I can't wait to be teaching on my own and full time. planning my own lessons and even grading papers......I'm sure I'll regret that statement in a few weeks/months....but I'll get over it. I'll take work stress over chemo treatments ANYDAY. :)

Well other than that, I've just been enjoying my time out of the hospital and my energy level. I'm running a lot more and a lot longer distances. I signed up for the breast cancer 5k I hope my body keeps producing blood like it's suppose to until then. It's going to be an exciting month. I'll also be teaching intersession at school for three days before my last round of chemo....OMG LAST get some extra income....because lets be honest.....i'm struggling right now with my bills and whatever else i have being thrown my way.....its' stressful doing it on my own but.....with the help of my friends, I'm getting by and i keep telling's almost's almost's almost over.

Okay well I need to go to sleep.....I'm SOOO tired from today.....idk what I'm still doing up.

I'll give you all an update tomorrow after my doctor appointment and the low down and what's going on.

until then,

i love you all.


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