It's been FOREVER since I've updated my blog! I'm sorry to all my loyal has just been busy. I had a mini scare for a second and I thought my blog was LOST, how you ask? Well I tried to sign in but it wasn't taking my username and password. I freaked out for a second and my heart rate went up. But turns out, they were trying to get me to use my gmail account to log on and it was just weird.
ANYWAYS, I took a little time to go back to a few of my blog posts and MAN what a journey it has been. A couple of those posts I read today I don't even remember writing!! GEEZ. But nonetheless, it's always good to go back and reflect. After each blog, it left me wanting to read more, so I can see how some of you have become "addicted." lol. And I'm hilarious. I think so anyways.
So I had a doctors appointment on the 28th of November and its purpose was to discuss my maintenance chemo. I had some questions about work, the transplant, and even general exam questions, like what to do if I get sick, do I ALWAYS have to go into the hospital...for like, the rest of my life? You know, the normal stuff.
So what I'll be doing is a 28 day cycle of this chemo stuff. On day one (which starts on the 19th) I'll get a small dose of vinkristine via IV. If the cancer center has their stuff together that day, the whole process should take about an hour (including check-in/wait time). If you remember, the vinkristine is responsible for the finger tingling I got during my last dose of chemo.The feeling is gone now but still, it's annoying....I hope it doesn't happen EVERY time. THEN days 1-5 after the vinkristine, I'll be on a steriod (i assume) called prednisone. it'll only be 50 mg so it's not a big deal. THEN on days 1, 8, 15, and 22, I'll take a 7.5mg tablet of Methotrexate. And then there is a script I can't read so I'll be taking something else as well....awesome right??
well it's wayy better than being in the hospital...i'll take this ANYDAY.
So an update on my's GROWING. my eyelashes are visible now and i'm almost to the point of wearing mascara again!! i missed that. My head hair is slowly but surely looks like a glow is around my head because the hair is so thin and soft. I'm no where near looking not bald this point, I'm used to the wigs and the baseball caps. It doesn't phase me at all. I started working again (YAY!!) and even at school i've been to school with nothing but a baseball cap and a smile before. The kids understand and I think it's cool that they're experiencing this. i mean how many kids can say, OH I remember my 8th grade teacher just finished cancer treatments...blah blah blah. Its something I know they'll always remember. It's funny too because one kid said....Umm Miss Begay?? What was the deal with your hair yesterday? (talking about the day i only wore a baseball cap to class). I reminded him that I talked about having cancer and how chemo makes you lose your hair. Then i said....did you not wonder why my hair looked different everyday?? And he said, well no, I don't pay attention to hair. haha. it was great.
THEN we have the difficult kids of the world...after my day starting off HORRIBLE.....and i mean HORRIBLE....I made it to school and was prepared to stomp on a kid if he/she even looked at me the wrong way. And me and this student got into an argument over how much classroom money he could spend in the "auction" we have in my class every quarter. He claimed I was cheating and all that. I have had problems with this kid since DAY 1 when I arrived back at school. He mumbles under his breath EVERY TIME something is said....and it's annoying. As a teacher, you KNOW he is saying awful things, talking back, cursing you or someone else out, or just being down right anyways, I've sort of "accepted" that he does that. The best piece of advice I got from someone about teaching was to pick your battles. And honestly, me fighting with him and saying "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY..." EVERYDAY and all day...wasn't really worth it. So instead, I just give him a hard time, mumble a little under my breath (nothing rude) and move on. He hated that when I gave him a taste of his own medicine....So anyways, we got into a little argument, I sent him back to his seat and he began to mumble...and just when I thought we could continue with the auction, he said it....out loud so all his friends could hear him and so he could be the center of attention....
"I'm gonna knock that wig off her head..."
and of course the tables that he was around, all laughed. I froze. I couldn't believe what he had just said. So i called him back to the front of the room....moved to my desk and pulled out a referral form. I was going to handle the situation by letting him know what I was going to do but nope, he just had to keep talking about how unfair i was being and that he didn't say that. So next thing to do....take it outside. I told him to go outside, I marched behind him and as soon as we got out there, i let him have it. I made him feel guilty, made him mad, and even got to the root of why he doesn't like me. All in all, I wasn't so much hurt about the rude comment he was more of a breaking point because i constantly get disrespected by him and i had it. After about 10 minutes of talking at him and keeping him from talking by threatening to write down every word he says, I hopefully got through to him and helped him realize i'm not a bad person. ANYWAYS, he got a 5 day suspension and that was that. crazy right? Hopefully he learned and I know that after I let teachers know what he said, they were livid.
Alright well i'm teaching intersession for three days M,T and W and i have no idea what I'm doing....awesome right?? Time to get on this thing. Love you all and sorry again for the lack of updating....just know everything is going AWESOME. :)
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