
Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 216: Not-So-Happy Halloween

So I just arrived and moved into my room. Right before I got here I had mad crazy chills....followed by a minor fever.....that broke quickly after taking some tylenol. I had no energy what so was awful. But between chills....I managed to do a load of laundry....take a HOT bath to warm up.....and clean my apartment up a little bit. It was a rough morning but I managed.

The ONLY thing that kept me going was me saying to myself....."this is the last time you have to do this can do it." and also "when you get to your hospital room you can lay down and let others take care of you all you want."

i'm telling you rough.

Anyways, not much excitement has been happening this past week. I've sorta just been waiting for this week to happen. So I'm definately ready for this to be over with. it has been a loooooong 216 days.

Right now, I have yet to meet my nurse....either she's just been busy or on break. the head nurse came in to get my inital vital signs and then a doctor came by to talk to me about treatment and got me to sign my consent to treat stuff. I told her about some tingling in my fingers that has been happening.....idk if I wrote about this in my last post but if I didn't....i've been having some tingling in my fingers. LOL. mainly in my's kinda like the feeling that you get right before your feet fall asleep....or come out of sleep....except mine is constant. Anyways, she said that it was a normal side effect for the vincristine....aka the Day 11 chemo I got. She didnt' say when it would go away....but I know that the morning team of doctors will ask the question "any numbness or tingling in your fingers or toes..." and for answer will be YES. but then they'll probably say....well let us know if it gets worse....because that's what they do.

anyways, then the doctor gave the OKAY to start the chemo and she claimed to put in the orders. usually they start the chemo around 9 or 10pm.....and it runs like every 12 hours. with more stuff in between. fabulous right?? BUT IT"S MY LAST CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT. so i'll live. :)

Alright well, nothing else to report except I just ordered some food (grilled chicken breast, broccoli, and rice) and i just now realized i forgot ALL MY SPICES at home....noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess I'll have to eat dull food for a few days. ugh. maybe i'll lose my appetite. haha....i know that's terrible to say but I've gained so much weight from those dang steroids I was on....that I really need to. It got so bad that they weighed me at the cancer center last friday and I had weight A......and today when they weighed me the nurse was concerned that she said....have you lost a significant amount of weight lately?? I said no then politely explained that when they weighed me at the cancer center i was on steroids and eating everything in sight.....she sorta ignored everything I said.....and I told her when I left here last time I weighed around 155. Once again.....ignored. So then she said....well, i'll just look it up. Then she came back with the doctor and what do you was confirmed that i was 156 when I was last weighed during my last hospital admission. Seriously....if you work in the medical field.....ask or at least LISTEN to your patients....especially if they're in some sort of routine. They may not know all the technical terms to use but they know what they're talking about and they know their body better than anyone. ugh. makes me sick.

Anyways, the nurse just came in and did my assessment.....on a papertowel.....and hooked me up to my good ole saline bag for fluids......not much more excitement going on here so I'm gonna watch CASPER and HOCUS POCUS on this Halloween night......while I wait for my food.

P.S....NO ONE IS DRESSED UP AROUND HERE. i was so sad NOT to see any costumes. I was sure that nurses or at least desk workers dressed lame. I was somewhat glad to see that my nurse did have on halloween scrubs.....i guess that is better than nothing.


Happy Halloween!!

be safe.



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