
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 222: It's Like I Won The Lottery!

LUCKY NUMBER 222 it is!! I FINALLY GET TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which means....yes, i missed my wiggin out had to be postponed. But that's okay, we rescheduled for next week. After talking with the medical student and the residents about my liver enzymes....i'm still confused what's going on. From what I got and understood (yes I asked a million questions) I had a high level most likely because I was on so many medications...PLUS chemotherapy. It was a risk to take when they started treatment but I would rather have got it all done and stay a few days after rather than two individual hospital stays...etc. They researched my meds i've been on and the prilosec was the med that I was taking that had a rare chance of causing high liver enzymes....So their solution is that since I feel great...and I'm BORED out of my mind here, I'll just have my normal cbc blood tests and another mbc (??-i already forgot what it's called-but it'll test my liver levels??) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (normal post chemo stuff) and go in for my neulasta shot (white cell booster). They didn't put a picc line back in so I guess I'll be getting stuck with a needle all the time (great) but I've been doing it the past two days so I think I'll survive.

I got some information on the type of infection I got...its called Enterobacter Clacae.....and after googling it a little.....I'm still confused what it is and where it came from. haha. But the important thing is....I'm getting treated for it and it should be gone soon. YES!

I guess my next steps would be to see a fertility specialists and see what that is all about and then...wait for my brothers bone marrow tests to come back. Hopefully he's a match and I can get that out of the way and then, let the hair growing begin!! lol.

For now, I'm waiting for my nurse to come back with discharge papers (she has been awesome) and then I'm outta here and gonna go get some hideaway pizza!! I've been having dreams about hideaway (weird I know) so I think it's time to go. And I have to check on my cat, Einstein, because he survived the TWO EARTHQUAKES we had.....cats are weird creatures anyway, but Einstein is so dramatic that he's probably still freaking out. I love him anyway.

So the earthquake was CRAZY last night!! I just finished watching the OSU game because Sara brought me Arby's....and we were watching the news and the nurse was in my room refilling my water (for sara) and bed started shaking first...then EVERYTHING ELSE. Like were talking the doors, the curtains, the paper towels, the towels hanging up, MY BED, the IV post, it was creepy....and lasted a good 30 seconds or something. Then my night nurse started freaking out a little....which made me freak out a little....and Sara was just like....THIS IS SOOO COOL....I'M IN AN EARTHQUAKE. lol. Nurses just shouldn't freak out. I know that they're people and all but that's just like when a student asks teachers questions and expects you to know all the answers even if it doesn't pertain to your subject (example: asking a math teacher -me- about homework in their history class or god forbid, English class) If you don't know the answer, they say, but you're a teacher, you're suppose to know everything!! haha.

Anyways, I'm SOO glad to be walking out of this place. I have a love-hate relationship with hospitals. They saved my life but they're so boring! They really need to have like arts and crafts or something available for people like me. haha. I just hope that I am done for a LONG time with hospitals. You never know with blood transfusions and whatever else...but for now, I'm happy to LEAVE. :)

Okay well, I'm going to start packing so as soon as they come in with my papers....i'm outta here!

god is good. much love.

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