
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 88: Ready

It's my 2.5 day in this hospital and STILL NOTHING. Yesterday I got some sort of radioactive heart scan. They injected me with stuff that attached to my red blood cells and they took pictures of my heart function as my red cells were glowing. cool right? not really. All I could think of when I was under the machine was....hmmm, I wonder how much this is going to

Then the doctors came in a couple times and I thought they were ready for chemo to start....but it didn't. They wanted to be sure that my eyes were okay because the fungal infection from the last hospital stay had spread to my right eye. So the opthamologist came in and he said it was clear and only a scar was left where the fungal infection WAS. Then he brought in another lady to double check was gone. So last night I was all clear on chemo to start but no one knew where the doctors were. and of course they didn't put in my orders before they left so I didn't start yesterday on time....awesome right??

Anyways, I had friends come over so it was a good night and one of my students even came and just made my night. :) I'm so thankful for friends at times like this that I need them. During this whole time of doing absolutely nothing I had wished that I had remembered to bring my running shoes. LOL. I have a 5k to run on the 9th of July so I need to build up my mileage....

Alrighty, as of now, my nurse is hooking me up to some hydration stuff (saline) as I'm guessing pre-meds...and she just gave me a blood thinner shot in my stomach and it burns right now. It feels like I have fire on it. So i'm putting pressure on it and

OH and my new tech came in today to give me a new gown and towels so I could shower and she said there is a good energy in my room and when I was talking to her about stuff she had said that I seem so normal and so happy now that it's weird how stuff like this stops you in your tracks to slow you down to make you re-evaluate life. I think that's what I needed. A personal cleanse of my life and the people in it.

Okay well desperate housewives of Orange County is on so I'm gonna watch it and probably take a nap and eat some hot fries. LOL. :)

love you all, thanks for reading. :)


**I mean REALLY....who wouldn't love me?? :)

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