Anyways, not a lot of commotion has happened around my quiet penthouse suite. I had a couple visitors during the day to keep me company (I can sometimes talk a lot, lol) and even just staff who have stayed a little longer just to talk. They're amazed by my happy attitude and I even got a...."can we be friends after this? I need a positive happy soul in my life." When I hear little comments like this it just makes me so happy and uplift my spirits even more.
I'm on a 24 hour chemotherapy treatment right now and it's annoying. They're pumping me full of fluids (MY FEET ARE SWOLLEN...good thing for my socks) and my "husband" (my IV unit) beeps all day and messes everything up. LOL. The new chemo bag that I have going on right now has a little of an orangish-pink color to it and I got happy when I saw it and even asked the nurse...."UMMM did you dye the treatment just because you knew i LOVE that color??" He got a kick out of it and laughed at me and said...."Yes we did. And as an added'll not only see it here but also another "surprising" place. " LOL.
I also had a long conversation with a nurse about my hair....this is where it gets sad.:( they said i'll notice clumps of hair in my bed when I get up and just it literally falling out. They suggest shaving it to take a little less off the "sting" but I'm going to experiment with different hair styles before because honestly....when else is this ever going to happen?? SO...on a positive side....I get to venture down to 23rd street and visit CiCi's Wig's for a new do. :)
Today my hemoglobin (blood count) is at a 10.8 (11-13 is normal) and my platelet counts were at a 15 (250ish is normal) and my white blood cells are at 1,000....idk what is normal but i'm guessing that is kind of low. LOL. my temp is 98. My stomach is feeling kinda funny today and I'm not hungry. :( I'm still super super tired but I just can't sleep to save my life.
Other than's a slow day around here. It looks beautiful outside...too bad I can't get out and enjoy it. So if you go outside today please just think about me sitting in my penthouse and send me warm rays of sunshine. Just take a few seconds to actually be thankful. That's all I ask. :)
Anyways, they just gave me stuff to flush out my fluids in my body (because I'm swollen) so I'm gonna get off here before I have an emergency....if you know what I mean. LOL.
Love you all and thanks for everything (reading, prayers, thoughts, positive comments)
I love it all and you're making this journey a whole lot easier for me and my family.
much love,
this makes me happy. I told Austin that I would go to prom with the first month of school. LOL.
Thank you Kris and Jessica....this put a lot into prospective of what I am actually going though. I remember participating in Relay for Life back in college and seeing the "survivors" on their victory lap and looking up to them in such high respect...And that will be me one
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