
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 161: Just Give Me The Benadryl Already

What an awful day for me. It started off "normal" and I went to work...yay! Packed my lunch, wore a fun dress, and was ready to offer my help to everyone....then at 9am...I got a phone call from my doctors nurse saying that my hemoglobin was low....a 6....noooooo! And she told me to go to the hospital at 10 to get 2 blood transfusions. Double noooooooo! So I left thinking I'd be back at work but nope. It's almost 3 now and I'm just now getting a chair to get the blood. They got me in around noon to draw my blood then they have to send it to lab to type my blood and that took fooorrreeevvveeerrr. Usually when I get transfusions I get typed and crossed the night before so the process is faster....but that would be asking too much.

Around 12:30 they told me it would take about 45 minutes 4 lab to get the blood products back so during that time I left the hospital and went to the store and got a burrito & drink and by the time I got back, the enTIre parking lot was FULL. So I had to take an alternate parking garage...

OK they just gave me a benadryl shot...I feel fuzzy all over and looney I can barely talk. Haha. I better get off here before I go crazy from this feeling.


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