
Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 173: It's Party Time!

Well it's almost party time. I finished my 6th round on Friday and as soon as I got out I had to go to the cancer center to get a white blood booster shot.....go figure. and it was FREEZING OUTSIDE. people were staring at me because I only had a tshirt and shorts on as I was leaving the hospital....but in my defense, it was a thousand degrees when I went in and wasn't expecting the arctic front to roll in. lol. And i knew it was hospital room was sooo cold that I was piled underneath so many blankets....even the nurses were saying that my room was the coldest.

Anyways, this weekend I tried to take it easy...but I always get antsy when i'm out of the hospital to do things....but my poor body just can't keep up and I'm always so dang tired. But this weekend I managed to get out and get to the fair. As long as I don't get too excited and have random bursts of energy I'm usually fine. It was nice to get out and eat some greasy unhealthy fair food. I even rode a ride with my wig! lol. I was paranoid for a bit that it would fly off and I was having horrible images of hair flying off someones hair midway through the ride and it landing on a baby or something.HAHA. but it didn't (thank you jesus) so all is well.

Other than that, I went in today to get labs done (complete blood count) and I made the mistake of taking a pain pill before and I started to get tired as I was driving home....yikes! I've been having some minor "pain" in my upper back/shoulders. I didn't have a spinal tap this round so the pain isn't as extreme as it has been in the past. The pain is more like....I have been lifting weights for the past week and i'm soooooooooo SORE. it hurts to massage it out and icy hot doesn't really seem to help. Last night I slept on a heating pad and it kind of relaxed my muscles but today....the pain is back. I thought maybe it was because I slept on my couch on friday night after I got back from the hospital but you would think it would've gone away by now right? wrong.

Well, I have my next doctors appointment next monday and then I'm scheduled for more chemo the first week in october....aka my BIRTHDAY week. So I'm expecting visitors coming out of my ears that week because that will be a depressing week to be in the hospital. Also, apparently I got switched to a new doctor. I will no longer have Dr. Ikeguchi....I guess they're transferring me to a bone marrow specialist?? Maybe because active chemo treatment is almost over?? IDK....but when i go in I'll definitely ask. Okay well, my baked chicken is done (YES I'm COOKING) and I'm starving so I'm gonna get some food. I'll try to update more later. :)

much love,

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