
Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 128: One Step Back

I went in today to get my blood drawn (last time it was drawn was on Monday) and my daily neupogen shot (white cell booster) and I wore my wig (it was a wig kinda day) because I was feeling good. The ladies in the chemotherapy/infusion center have never seen me in a wig (I usually just wear a baseball cap) and I got lots of compliments. They said I look different but in a good way. :) So I went in followed the daily "procedure" and played around on the ipad and waited. My blood was drawn and I got a shot in the stomach and I was on my way.

I hung around a little in the lobby because I was just out of breath and I looked up different websites for cancer scholarships just to get an idea of what they require. Right then I got a text from my friend Emily basically asking if I was ready to go to the gym (a daily, if not twice a day occurance now). I told her I was on my way home but I would go. As soon as I got home, I was changing into my workout clothes and I realized that my wig (the expensive one at that) gave me a headache. So I sat on my couch and listened to music while I put on my shoes. Then....the phone call....dun, dun, dun.

I figured it was my infusion nurse who told me she would call if I didn't have to come in tomorrow. I answered and it was oncologist's nurse. the head honcho. She informed me that ALL of my counts were really low. She asked if I got a fever and I said no and she asked how I was feeling...and I said good. 

She told me I have to have a couple (probably 3) blood transfusions because my hemoglobin is at a 6...that's right a 6.....if a regular person was at a 6, they would be passing out.........but of course not me, I want to go to the gym. lol.

This morning when I was putting on my wig I thought to myself....hmm....I look pale. So I checked my hands and they didn't have much pink/ solution......BRONZER! lol. I also noticed that when I walk fast I get tired easy and yesterday when I was mailing off a care package for my sister, I had to carry two 14lb boxes inside and when I got in....I felt like I ran 5 miles, I was out of breath and found myself leaning on whatever would support i knew this was coming. Maybe that;s why my cat has been freaking out whenever he sees me....??

She then said my platelets were at 14,000...........and you're suppose to be at 250,000. Luckily....i don't have any bruises...but I have noticed my gums and nose bleeding randomly......a sign there is nothing in my body to clot blood. oops.

And finally, my white counts are at a 0.1. and it's a MIRACLE that i did NOT get a fever. Thank you neupogen shots!

So while on the phone I thought.....YES, I get to use the "fun" area of the infusion center where I get my own personal TV and I get a curtain to block myself off from everyone....I'll probably get there extra early so I get my pick of the batch so I'll get a good view of the outside..........ha, I wish.....Phyllis said that since I have so much transfusions to get I have to be admitted to the hospital and stay for at least 24 hours....uuugghhhh. So tomorrow I have to wait for the "your bed is ready" call and head in to get blood. 

On a positive note....I'll have WAY more energy and won't be as pale. lol.

To me this is CRAZY because just yesterday I was running on the treadmill and lifting weights and tomorrow I'll be in the hospital. lame. I guess I should be taking it easy but I get so bored and I gain weight sooooo easy. I will admit that I have not been eating very good (maybe 1 meal a day) and I have been working out/running twice a day. I did drop my weight I gained from my hot wings kick and have gained some muscle back that I lost during my fungal infection. I guess I need to find a good balance of the two extremes.....or wait until treatment is over......i guess this would be a good time to read my book "eating with cancer." 

i hate reading. lol

Okay well, I'm soo tired my eyes hurt. I didn't get much sleep last night and i have a long boring day ahead of me tomorrow. 

Good Night Everyone! :)


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