
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 126: onward!

Well if you ever need to find me at 3:00pm on any given day....I'm at the ou cancer center. Boo!I'm still getting my daily shots toboostwhite blood counts and I have to say....they're getting less and less painful. Not that they were ever hurt....I'm just a wimp with needles. The few times I had to get stuck everyt moening to get my blood drawn has scarred me for life.

Anyways, this place is niiiice. I've been meaning to post pictures but I just haven't got around it. Everything is so new and upgraded it makes me happy. Someday I'll just hang out here all day and get stuff done. But not today.

This is a small section of the infusion center for people who get in and get out. The chairs are extra comfortable. And there are soo many that I usually am surrounded by noonewhen Im here. There is a section for longer term patients. They have a mini "cubicle" to themselves equipped with a tv. It's divided by a curtain but still extra nice. The chairs you can see in the distant is like a "waiting" area if more than one person comes with you. There is also a couple kitchenettes for patients to have a snack or drink....overall nice. More pictures later. :)

So ive been pretty much doing nothing all week. I wake up....go running or to the gym...take a an errand or two to get out of the house (post office, mall, wal-mar, sonic pit stopt...) and then go to the csncer center for whatever reason....back to the gym....then my day is over. By the end of the day I'm dying of social interaction. I'm ready to teach again....

Since I have a lot of tume at home I've been catching up on my medical bill organization and it's sooooo stressful! I have bills that I completely forgot about. So today I spent a good $300 if not more to pay for $50 here and if anyone would like to donate to a good cause.w..donate to me!

On a positive note....I'm soooo thankful that Im not buried in school loans as could always be worse. :)

Well my nurse is here to give me shots so I'll write later.:)


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