
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 134: Bad Taste In My Mouth

I have the nasty taste of some sort of metal in my mouth. great. this always alters the way food tastes. I'm down to one meal a day because I don't really have much of an appetite. I crave the carbonation of a sprite or coke  but only drink like half the bottle. lol.

So update, I'm STILL in the hospital and all I do is sleep. The infectious disease team is now involved because my blood, and stool cultures came back positive. Back when I had my fungal infection in may and was really sick I had some bacteria infection in conjunction with my fungal infection. They gave me an antibiotic that is usually the only thing that can stop the infection but I had a reaction to it.....well, that bacteria is back. So it's the SAME infection I had. I'll ask my nurse what it was called. I was told it but I forgot it. It's some sort of bacteria blood infection. Anyways, so today they took out my PICC line and have me set up with a temporary line to give me all my millions of antibiotics. and once my blood cultures come back negative they'll put a new one in. for now, I got a 100.4 degree fever and i'm FREEZZZIIINNNGGGG. ugh.

and my white counts came up today. they're still low but at least they moved in a positive direction.

Right now I'm craving pizza. I wish someone was available to get me some this late. :) oh well.

Well my nurse hasn't came in yet. So I'll update when she does. :)


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