
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 99: Moving on Up i'm not in a hospital. LOL. I FINALLY GOT INTERNET AT MY APARTMENT!!

so I can blog regularly as I spend my days laying on my couch recovering from the chemo. lol

which has been exactly what i've been up to.

I got discharged from the hospital on Thursday night. I felt great! I was walking every morning, afternoon, and night around the Oncology halls trying to keep my blood pumping and just to keep from DYING from BOREDOM....okay maybe wrong thing to say...but i was BOOOORRREEDDDD.

I felt great walking around....I had to lug my huge IV pole around but for the most part, FANTASTIC!! I thought it would be an awesome transition and I would be back to my normal perky self.....boy was I wrong. I got my spinal tap on Wednesday and I guess ALL THE CHEMO was still in my system (IDK why i thought it would've been OUT) and I felt like crap when I got home. I went to eat at Louie's the night I got out of the hospital with my friend emily because we were both craving PIZZA.....well, I ate MAYBE one slice....IF that....and was done. My taste buds were awful. I felt a foamy dry taste that messed up all sorts of food for me. Even water was gross!

So I sat and watched emily i know....and went on home....oh and of course...on my drive home....i blew chunks ALL OVER MY EXPENSIVE WIG!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how on my wig you ask? Well I had been getting headaches all night from the spinal chemo and for some weird reason I decided to wear my expensive wig (that I've worn like twice) because there are some days that I just don't want people looking at me funny b/c i'm bald with a baseball cap on....crazy I know, but I have my reasons. ANYWAYS, once I had my wig on, I can't really adjust very much or take it off mid-sentence so I usually wear them (wigs) out when I know it'll be cold somewhere so it can double as a head warmer....well....when I'm on chemo I get crazy pregnancy HOT FLASHES. and yes I got one. When I get these hot flashes....they're no joke. my head starts sweating like crazy and I get so god-awful HOT it's ridiculous. Well in public they're a ZILLION times worse because people look at you like your crazy as you CHUG ice cold water and fan cold water tasted HORRIBLE and fanning yourself can only cool you down so as soon as I got out to the car....I ripped my wig off and turned the AC on BLAST.....eventually my head got cold but that sensation I got from headache/hot flash relief....was amazing. SO anyways, I'm driving down the road with my wig in my lap mouth starts watering. IDK why i didn't just pull over immediately...i was being too nice. I didn't want to blow chunks all over someones driveway on I waited too long....i don't have auto I just blew chunks on my wig. disgusting right???

well the good news is....after throwing up for about 2 minutes....that was it. I threw up the next morning a little but for the most part that's the extent of my nausea. I get headaches but they've gotten a LOT better since I left. The ONLY side effect I'm having is terrible spinal muscle area (think entire spine and neck) cramps. The only relief I get is when I lay down. If I sit too long it hurts my back but it's nothing to worry about. It's gotten a LOT better on it's body is just taking its time to heal and get better. I'm just over-anxious to do things and be back to "normal" that I want my body to yesterday.

BUT i'm slowly learning and all I keep saying to myself is....I just got to get through this and one more time...and I'm practically DONE. back to life.


So for now, I'm so tired all the time and I just run out of breath easy. I'm positive I need BLOOD in me because my anemia is going crazy...but maybe they're waiting to see what my body does on it's own?? I want to start running again because according to the hospital and my count history I had them print off....when I started running again ALL my counts jumped up to almost normal. I was still "low" for a normal person but for a leukemia patient....i was rocking it out.....

oh well.

Alright, well, i'm's midnight....and i'm ready to take my sleeping pills and go to SLEEP....

love you all...more hopefully tomorrow if I remember.....



but no worries, i think it's clean now but I need to wash it again, just in case.

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