
Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 31: New month....New hospital.

a few quick things for today's morning blog....

#1- no, I am NOT sore from yesterday's run. :) I guess that means......well, idk what that means. I just know there are some fellow tafties out there who I'm sure are suffering. Just make sure to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and ice and stretch if you're stiff. This also sounds crazy but you also need to do some sort of physical activity today to work out the kinks.Mao....go for a run or walk. Those stiff muscles need love too. I promise it will make u feel a a lot better tomorrow. Rather than letting it stiffen out more. Any who, us taffies have decided to run the marathon relay?? Right?! It makes me excited for next time. :)

#2- I'm getting platelets as I type from mercy hospital. It's neat b/c just sit in a chair and wait as they pump into me. There is a nurse in here and one other guy. He was talking to me for a looking time but he was really nice. He asked how long I had my picc line in and i told him just over a month. Then he went on to explain to me at that he had his in for FOUR years now. And before that he had one in his other arm until he got a blood clot. And I thought to myself......holy moly!! Lol. He told me his entire story and it was ridiculous what he was going thru. It just made me thankful for what I'm going thru and it put me in "check mode" of what I'm going thru. I felt like a little mouse by a huge elephant. It was kind of inspiring. He gave me some advice and was just nice.

#3- I told my doctor this morning about running my 5k and if course, he wasn't as excited as I was about it but he was just thankful that I didn't get sick. I reassured him I was extra cautious but he said....well can't do anything about it now so good job! You're a first...again. Lol. And now, sitting here in mercy outpatient oncology, one of my old nurses saw me and said,...I read about you in the paper!! Lol. She told people at work and I was suppose to be readmitted today to mercy and they said they all wanted to give me a hard time about it but they were all so proud us of me.:)

#4- I will no longer be at Mercy hospital....or have my awesome doctor. They are passing me over to a Presbyterian hospital that has a special Leukemia doctor just for me. I got emotional when my doctor was telling me about it. But basically, I still have more leukemia than expected in my blood so rather than a general cancer doctor, they're giving me to a leukemia doctor. And I'll most likely be getting a bone marrow transplant if my bro or sis is an exact match and I'll be getting it there anyway, so why not?

#5- my head is cold. Lol

#6- go buy a daily Oklahoman and read about my mini story in today's paper!! yay!

Okay platelets are in me and I'll write more later.

Enjoy ur day!


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