
Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 35: Catching Up.

Today has been a relaxing day and I needed it. It started out for me sleeping in until 10:30, and for me that's late! The ambien that they've been giving me before I go to sleep has been helping a lot and I'm thankful. After I got up my doctor(s) came in and updated me on my health....

My platelets AND my red blood counts went UP on their own. IDK what this means but to sounds GREAT. The fact that my body can actually make it's own red blood cells and it's does that mean the leukemia is weak?? IDK. I didn't ask. lol.

Anyways, My white blood count is still at a 0.4 so I'm still prone to infection. They're going to give me a white blood cell shot to help me produce more white blood cells but I don't remember when they said they would give it to me.

So if I heard them right, and if I'm mistaken...I could be going HOME tomorrow. Crazy right?? I just finished my chemo dose and I guess it's procedure or standard to send patients home when they don't need it any more. Last time they held me for a bit longer and just as they were going to send me home I got a random fever. It makes me a bit nervous to go home with my WBC as low as they are but I guess that just means I need to be extra cautious!!

I'll let you all know what's going on tomorrow when I know for sure. Today has been one of my "weird" days. The AWFUL taste in my mouth is back where I can't seem to quench my thirst. I've been drinking everything I can a hold of and nothing is working. :( I'm still eating well and trying to eat as much because I feel the mouth sores might be coming on.

The nurses are surprised that I'm doing so well and that I'm not as sick. They said I had a pretty big dose of chemo the past 24 hours but I'm taking it well. :) It still makes me feel good when people brag on me. LOL. I guess that's the competitor in me.

So my old doctor came to visit me today. :) it made me happy to see him. My mom and I figured that he felt bad for "sending me away." He apologized and re-assured me that he liked me as a patient but wants the best care for me. He kept saying to call him if I ever needed anything and he would try to visit on fridays If I was here. He also goes to church with my new doctor....yet another coincidence? lol.

I move into my new apartment on SUNDAY. So if you need my new address please let me know. I know a lot of you asked about it, just know I moved.

ALright well other than that my day has consisted of taking medications (12 or more a day), putting a lot of eyedrops in, and laying around being lazy and trying to sleep. My nurse should be in soon with my sleeping medications so I'm gonna try to relax and get my pre-sleep on. :)

Thanks for reading as usual and giving me all the love and support that you have. especially around the holiday (mother's day) keep my mom in mind especially and just my entire family in general. if you're spending time with your family take a little time to appreciate them. Life can change so quick that once you realize what's going on, you don't want to regret anything.

good night.


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