
Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 42: Pain

Todays day started out fine. I had to wake up early (9 am!) to get to the OU Clinic for my daily blood test. We got there and I was feeling good. Even the nurses noticed that I looked a little healthier. I guess I looked miserable the past two days. LOL.

I went into the infusion room and refused to sit down on the "comfortable" chair all the way because I swear those chairs trigger my neck pain. I didn't have any that morning but I knew they were coming. They quickly drew my blood and we waited for the results and my counts....and of course, they're still low. My hemoglobin was at a 7.7 and platelets were at a 10, which is 2 points higher than when I came in. lol. So they told me I was gonna get one unit of platelets and 2 units of blood. I was kinda excited about it because I've been walking around here tired and pale so I needed it. I don't have to go back until monday because hospitals, clinics, or whatever on weekends are BRUTAL to get into.

Because this whole thing was a four to five hour process they put me in a special room (VIP treatment) where more "longer" term outpatients go. It took a while to actually get the stuff but once I got it they put it inside of me as fast as it would go. My blood pressure went down pretty low (usually your blood pressure raises when new blood/platelets go into you) and it was weird. I claim it was because I was so relaxed and in no pain. I was laying down the entire time, it was nice.

Anyways, after all of this my mom brought me a hamburger and we went home. I then went to Taft (the best school ever) to help with 8th grade prom stuff. it was great helping as much as I could. I hope I can go'll just depend on my mood/pain level. I love seeing all my students all dressed up and on their "best/better" behavior. :)

After helping a little with what I could, my neck started hurting pretty bad so I came home and laid myself on the couch and went to sleep for a good two hours. It was great but I still can't believe I've been having such awful pain. it's so annoying and uncomfortable. And the worse part is that's the ONLY thing keeping me from going 100%. If I time my medications right tomorrow. I should be okay but pain meds only go so far. And on top of this, my head gets really cold and hot easy...which sparks a headache. UGH. I'm ready for all of this to go away. :(

Alright well nothing else to report on. My mom has been awesome trying to help me put things away and actually make my apartment livable. I need to go decoration shopping but I'll save that for another weekend....well, my neck is hurting now so that means I need to lay down....'

Good night, love you all.



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