
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 33: Might as Well Keep on Going.....

Three things.

#1 - They put some leg compressor on me tonight so my legs don't swell and blood properly circulates. I remember last time I got chemo (like it was forever ago, lol) my feet/legs started getting puffy and swelling. Maybe it was in their notes they got faxed. All i know is it's LOUD and makes my legs sweat....gross. I'll stick it out for a night but two nights may be pushing it.

and it makes me look like I have fat cankles. ugh. lol.

#2 - I've still been hyped up on those steroids....and I'm hungry. LOL. Remember last time I was eating like four meals a day. Too bad I can just get up and make a light night run to taco bell like back in the day. :( Oh well. My blood pressure was a bit high tonight but other than that nothing has changed.

#3 - You may have a heart attack when I type this.

here it goes.

I MAY sign up to run a half marathon in October. in California.

Well I was talking to a friend who told me he wants to run a marathon in the fall. We started to talk even more and I noticed, and was told, that this Team Taft 5k run inspired them to start running. I guess they got the natural high and excitement that is so contagious to people and they want more. SO anyways, a couple years ago (2) I was signed up to run the Maui Marathon. But not as an individual. I wanted to be a part of something and do something cool. You know, have a cool story to add to my life accomplishments. WELL, I actually was part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's TEAM IN TRAINING. They basically take your little hand and practically walk you through a half marathon, full marathon, triathlon, or a century ride. LONG story short....we both got way excited and I said, why not?? By then I should be fine to run and If I continue to work hard (in the hospital by taking care of myself and out of the hospital by taking ALL safety precautions and training WHEN i can) I can do it.

I know this sounds CRAZY and I'm sure a lot of you are thinking this isn't a good's 13.1 miles!! But it's a challenge. I will try to train as much as I can with the "TEAM" (which will start in Mid June) and as much as I can on my own. **Crosses fingers** I hope that I go into remission soon or have the transplant soon to help jump start that goal. BUT if I'm not ready for it, I won't do it...

It's just "in the works" right now but I promise from here on out to be as healthy as possible. that sounds weird. Well I promise to do whatever I need to do to increase my chances of going into remission and staying there. If the doctor says eat a pile of.....shrimp every other day (cooked of course) I will. If he asks me to limit my workout to three times a week, I will NOT cheat and go running every day thinking it will help. I will be good. I promise.

It would mean the WORLD to me to accomplish this and that is also the 6 month mark of hardcore treatments. and a great birthday gift to myself (birthday is on the 4th) race is on the 9th.

I can do it.

I know I can.

I'm Kim Begay.

Good Night.

Spinal Tap in the morning. I need rest.

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