
Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 59: Or so I thought....

Well, i thought I would just lay around here and rot but boy was I wrong. Today was an unexpected busy morning. It started with one of my doctors coming in and giving me results of my echocardiogram yesterday. They said my heart valve was good but there might be something going on with my lungs. So today they decided to do a Bronchoscopy procedure on me. They basically stuck a scope down my nose (I was asleep) and put some sort of wash down my windpipe and into my lungs and sucked it back out. Then they're gonna see if anything grows from it. I'm not sure how long the procedure itself lasted but I'm so glad I was asleep for it and it's over. I was dry coughing for a long time afterwards and probably still am but I'm doing good now. So before that procedure, the opthamologist came for a follow up on my eyes. From what he saw he said that the spot he was concerned about in my right eye shrunk. So it must've been a side effect of the fungal infection I had. He also said I have some sort of peripheral retinal degeneration that they want to watch. which is just awesome. one more thing to look at.

So anyways, other than that, I spent the rest of my afternoon sleeping and just resting. I was really tired today. I have Olive Garden coming tonight from an awesome person and I'm so excited about my salad!! :)

Well this was a quick update and as soon as I have results from my biopsy or anything else, I'll be sure to let you all know.

love you all,

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