
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 15: Yes again. lol

I wanted to get my "emotions" out of me really quick. So I was on the internet just "window shopping" getting myself prepared to go shopping when I get out of this joint. Anyways, as I was sitting here in my hospital bed I started messing with my hair trying to fix it. I ran my fingers through it a few times and nothing but stands of hair came out. I kept doing this because usually I get the dead hairs out first then after a bit it would stop.....but it didn't. I know I put in my previous post that it is starting to come out but I didn't realize it would be this fast. Then I put my hands through my hair again but this time I stopped a tugged a bit, and held on to what I could but a loose holding on to. I didn't feel any type of pulling sensation or hurtfulness or basically any type of pressure to my head. and of both hands I had a good amount of chair in my hands (like a mini clump). I got nervous and did it again and the same thing happened. And of course, I did it one more time and again, a mini clump of hair came out. So I got up and went to the restroom and brushed it some hair came out but not a lot. I did the tug thing again and again out came a mini clump of hair (10-12 strands). My eyes started tearing up. So I just put it in a ponytail and came back to my bed. Even as I sit here and type this a couple of tears rolled out of my eyes and down my cheeks. :( This is the first time I've been emotionsl since the first day I found out i could have leukemia. I predict the next time I cry is when I actually will shave my head. Just thinking about it makes me sad but I'll be okay.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share. I better clear these tears and somehow take care of the redness in my eyes before a nurse comes in. LOL. I hate when people see me cry.

Love you all. :)


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