
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Late NIghts, Early Mornings, Minus the Soccer's pretty much college here.

I went to sleep maybe 2 hours ago. Only because I wasn't sleepy. I got good company for a bit before I went to sleep though from a couple good friends though so I wasn't alone. Right now it's 5:45am and I'm awake! They just got done changing my IV fluids again. Chemo round 4 will start in a few hours so I think they'll leave me alone for a bit. LOL. They came in with a new fancy machine that looked like a moving dollie and not gonna lie the kid in me got happy for a split second because I thought I was going somewhere on it and he would have to wheel me in that rather than a wheel chair. but it didn't Instead they started monitoring my weight so EVERY morning I have to get up when they're here (always early) and get weighed.....which is totally every girls nightmare. I swear I hate stepping on scales and staring and dwelling on numbers. ugh. But, if i keep this sleeping habit up (2-5 hours a night) It will probably catch up with me and soon I'll be doing this all in my sleep!!

Anyways, I guess they'll start my steroids in the morning rather than a night now so I'll be a SUPER morning person now! Get ready cancer center of Mercy Hospital!

I didn't sleep very well last night....or should I say nap. My first thoughts are with my students. I know they'll be strong but I'm afraid they won't ask for help or understand what's going on. I know my Tafties will take care of them but these are my precious students who I have been trying to mold into little kim's all year long but they just won't budge. :)

I will be thinking about this a lot but I know they'll be fine. Some better than others. But I'm worried about them all. BOO.

Other than that, I'm as happy as can be at 5:53am. My eyes kind of hurt from being tired but It's something I'll get used to. Anyways, I'll write more as the roids and dose 4 of chemo comes through. right now....facebook time!

love you all!


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