
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 19: I feel like I'm in Alaska dressed for Hawaii....

Right now I am SOOOOOOO cold. I'm not running a fever if that's what you're thinking. I'm sitting in my bed underneath three blankets, I have some pj's on, socks, my hospital gown, and a zip up hoodie....My air is even turned up but I just can't get warm to "save my life." lol. :)

Alright, other than that I have GREAT news!! :) My white blood counts went up ON ITS OWN!! Granted it only went up from a 0.2 to a 0.3 but it's PROGRESS. :) YAY! Also my hemoglobin stayed THE SAME and didn't....i repeat....DID NOT DROP. Yesterday they thought I was going to get blood because I was at a 8.1 but today I was still at an 8.1 so my vampire baby is dying (a joke for all those twilight fans...) and has quit drinking my blood!! WOO HOO!! :) My platelets are of course sky high as well (77) well for me....remember i'm at 77,000 and I should be at least up to 250,000. LOL but because of my bone marrow biopsy it's high because they put a lot into me right before i went down. So this all means that the chemo is pretty much out of my system and my body is recovering on it's own. The doctor said this morning that my white blood cells should increase exponentially so were shooting for a Friday/Saturday let out.

I've decided that every time my blood is low I just want to sleep. If you remember I was always tired before I was diagnosed and those were signs my blood was low....LOL. I thought I was just doing too much. I'm about to get some more antibiotics and I'm so keeping my hoodie on...i'm still FREEZING. Also my hip is killing me from the biopsy yesterday that I can barely walk or move around. I actually have to depend on others to do things for me (which i HATE) but if I can I still do it for myself anyway. LOL.

Alright well, they just started the antibiotics so i'm going to turn on the tv, drink my water, and focus on getting warm. LOL. Thanks for the prayers and good vibes being sent my way. It's truly helping and I'm thankful for all of you who care enough about my health to read this everyday. There are people reading this who I may have no idea who they are, who I've never talked to in my life, who I haven't seen since high school or below, or just fell out of touch with. I know each and everyone of you all have a purpose that you have came in touch with me (whether you liked me or not.....most likely you did... :) lol) that purpose is for my healing. I could NEVER do this alone (i would sure try) but it's you all's DAILY, CONSTANT, prayers and thoughts that are getting me tough days and that just keep me going. I love you all very much. :)



p.s. Hi to all my students reading this. I miss all of you very much, I wish I was there to still be teaching you, and I love all of you. :) You're going to ROCK the CRT' it for me. :)

1 comment:

  1. yippie!!!why do we feel like u r letting go of our hands? just like a baby finally learned how to walk on her own! da past few weeks has been a wild dark ride. u were our light by telling us wats going on. we can now whew! & smile! & thank u 4 all u've taut us w ur daily updates; & mostly, thank da Super Beings 4 answering our prayers, thoughts, so u can continue da positive progress. Luv & Huggs...Lela & Chels. 8=)
