
Monday, April 4, 2011

Forget day's my half birthday!! :)

So it's only 10am and I have already got lots of good news...and 1 bad news. wait.

it's my HALF BIRTHDAY!!! Meaning.....6 months from today will be the celebration of 2 things....1 - the glorious day of my birth and 2 - (i just realized this and am way excited right now) the day I'm DONE with chemo!! :) OMG YAAAYYY!!!

So this means as I sit here in the hospital now and for my frequent inpatient visits I'll be planning a big celebration. So please mentally and physically prepare yourself. :)

Anyways back to the good it is.

#1- it's Day 2 of Chemo and I'm feeling great.....this means that I'm another day into the fight and I'm WINNING!! :)

#2 - The nurse has just informed me that I could possibly be moving into the LUXURY suite of the ENTIRE floor today!!! This means....whoever stays with me gets a QUEEN size pullout COUCH (not chair).....and a BIG SCREEN TV. ummmm score anyone? American Idol parties....JERSEY SHORE parties.....i'll host. :)
OH and I totally just came up with a theme....a masquerade party! everyone has to wear a hospital mask (that I will provide of course). OMG i need to write these down and get to planning.

(wow I just got wayy too excited about that....i'll see if my blood pressure went up when they take my vitals in 15

#3 - Today I will be telling my students what's been going on thru a video. I made it with love early this morning. Why this is good news you ask? Well I guess I grew way more attached than I thought I did to these guys. It was a lot of tough love I gave them and now that I'm gone they (and I) realize how strong we love each other. I worry a lot about them and think about them a lot. They made me cards in a class one day and ever since then, I look at them every day (all 125 of them) and just smile. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful students at Taft who all have a good heart. (. : tear : .)

Okay....on to the bad's only 1 so brace yourselves.....

the doctor as well as nurses last night told me......................wait for it...............i can't have fresh flowers in my room. So my pretty room that everyone compliments as they walk in, will be no more. Anyways, my white blood cells are low (1.9 whereas it should be at a 5-ish). They're afraid the flowers are carrying a bacteria or something that could get me sick. So they asked if you send things, ask florists for artificial flowers or balloon bouquets as alternatives.

Oh and i lied one more bad news...mainly for me. I can't have fresh fruit. :( :( :( if you know me at all in any way.....i LOVE fruit more than anyone else alive. In college I went on a fruit and water diet for two weeks. That's how much I love it. I also can't have stuff like salads, lettuce, or tomatoes....even on sandwiches. I laughed because the ONLY thing I get on subway, quiznos, city bites, jersey mikes, or any other sandwhich place is lettuce, pickles, and mayo. this is terrible news. LOL.

Anyways, as you can see I'm still in great high spirits. If the only bad news concerns to flowers and fruit....we're doing pretty good.

OH wait....visitors....on my "bad" days (like this patient will have any right??) visitors will be kept to a minimum. I have to limit it to 2 people in the room at a time and they have to be squeaky clean. I may make you wear a gown (just so i can laugh about it. lol) I am working on a "visitors" station that I will keep well stocked (because so many of you WILL come ) with germ-x, disinfectant wipes, face masks, gloves, and whatever else I can steal from my closet to look "cool." I'll have instructions on what to do and since my brother is here.....and is a military policeman.....i'll make him my bouncer. haha okay maybe not, I'll just get Sarah's dad (who is security here) stand in for me. I may even make a VIP list like they do at clubs, and if you aren't on the list you better bring me jolly ranchers to get in.

Wow I wonder how many people think I'm a complete dork for this blog. I can be ridiculous sometimes.

Okay well they are putting platelets in me as I type because once again, I'm low. I should be at 250,000 count but i'm only at a 23,000. : (

I don't feel anything from my IV at all so I'm not in pain by any means. It's just annoying because every 12 or 30 minutes when I'm on these a tech comes in and checks vitals. So when I'm asleep.....they still come in.

alright well I'm gonna watch the season finale of Jersey Shore I two weeks ago. I'll write more later.

Love you all and once again....thanks for the prayers, thoughts, and energy you all have been sending me these past few days. Every bit is appreciated by me and my family. :)


1 comment:

  1. Ooooh kim u r officially the coolest person i know bad I can't bring u some michelob ultra... cactus watever its called...see I still remember lol jk jk....but hey I lve already told u this a billion times lol..u r soooo awesome and a wonderful person...if there were more people like u n it would be such a better place....keep on fightin this. ..we all know ur winning and ur gonna win...keep on smiling and I see how.many u...its a great thing to see....but like I told.u I'm here for u..ur n my prayers..and keep ur head up and stay strong... loooove uuu kim...ur the best
