
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 18: Be Kind To Everyone, Because You Never Know.

Alright I know this is my THIRD post for today but I know I have some dedicated readers. I had a few visitors come by so I was busy talking to people and just catching up. Right now I'm getting antibiotics pumped inside of me as i sit here and watch HGTV with my mom and a friend. I'm really cold but that's normal for night. The pain medications are wearing off so my gums are starting to feel a little sore again. I ate a baked potato tonight and it was great! Just the right amount of softness. :) My hip/back is starting to get sore and I'm walking like I have a hip problem. lol. I'm not running a temperature tonight which is good and I'm feeling really positive about possibly going home soon. Which is a great thing! :)

My antibiotics are now complete and I now have developed a headache. So today another weird thing happened today that I need to add to my list of coincidences. So this older "senior citizen" comes in all cheerful and smiley right before my bone marrow biopsy. He was a volunteer here at the hospital and was wearing a Mercy Auxiliary coat so I let him in and his energy and excitement was just bursting out of him and it was great. I had a good feeling about him because he had a good energy around him. So as we got to talking he asked if i was in college and it flattered me because I feel sooooo OLD being out of college. LOL. We then somehow got onto some sort of conversation that led him to say the name of his church. And it happened to be the same church that had "adopted" the school that I teach out. When I say "adopted" I mean that each group at the church was assigned a classroom to sponsor for the year. My class was given the awesome Senior Adult Group and they have been fabulous working with me all year. And as I was telling him about my two main class sponsors his eyes lit up like kids on Christmas and he was proud to say that he was a member of that group! He said "OOOOOHHH you're the young lady that we just prayed for on Sunday!!" We went on and on about stuff that they did for us like bringing hats, scarves, and goodies for Christmas and how I made a thank you sign for them. He was so excited to actually meet me and he even said he was excited for this coming sunday so he can tell his group that he met me and how well I was doing. He said "You just made my day!!" and his advice or what he said he lives by was "be kind to everybody because you never know." And I completely agreed with him. It's something I always believed in even in previous posts I talked about trying to get "good" in with the staff around here because a happy staff = a happy patient. and I don't want to be the patient that people are like "Uuuuggghhhhh she's still here!" lol

Okay so I think I'm going to give myself a mohawk soon. My hair is falling out at about the same rate. I find a lot in my bed now in the mornings and its just emotional picking it all up. So i decided to get a friend to buzz the sides, possibly get a design on the side just for kicks (My students would love to see it) and get a mohawk. :) Then just buzz it off and eventually go bald. I got some scarves as gifts and some headbands for when I have a buzz cut ( i DON'T want to be confused as a BOY....LOL) and some pretty dangly earrings. :)

So as I tell about this I'm nervous. I'm not crying so this means progress has been made and I'm becoming okay with the idea of my hair being gone for a long time. I know hair grows back (if i hear someone say this to me ONE more time....i'm gonna punch a puppy (okay not really) I'll just be angry) I know I'll be emotional when I shave it but I think I'm allowed to be. :)

ALright well three posts in one day is a lot and it's past midnight so I need to get to SLEEP. I love you all and thank you for the continuous thoughts, prayers, and kind words. Good Karma is coming your way and I appreciate you all. :)

much love,


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